February 20. 2022 - February 26, 2022
Do you think of this film as the next film you'll make or the last film you'll make?
“I have no idea. I had an uncle who died, my father's brother died at 103 almost. He had all his marbles. He was writing operas. He was reading in French all of Proust. You could talk to him. He was 102, and you could talk to him on any subject. He had a great memory. He had lived a life and knew everything about music. So, I'm 82. I could well live to be 100 or thereabouts. Say that means roughly I could well have 20 years of productivity.”
“I think the biggest thrill in life is to have a dream or imagine something and then get to see it be real. There’s nothing like that.”
You've had that happen more often than most people have.
“Yeah. But the more far out it is, the more thrilling it is. I mean this was such a crazy idea. When I said we'd do it this way, I can't tell you the reaction.”
It was not positive?
“Well, it was the other one I get: ‘It sounds great. But how are you going to really do it?”
Which is something you've heard a lot in life.
Coppola threw the car in reverse.
“I hear it all the time,” he said.
- Francis Ford Coppola. (GQ magazine interview)