About this Odyssey


We’re all on our own personal odyssey. Odysseus succeeded on his journey only with help.

So if you find a photo send me a picture of your find and feel free to share your thoughts, it might help someone.

If you’re in possession of a picture, it is the only one-of-a-kind print made.

Some or maybe all of the photos may never be discovered and they will fall into the universal blackhole of where did they end up unknowingness. I will document, here, all the pics found or not. 

All the pictures were taken the year they were placed in the world.

All photos were taken with Instax wide instant FILM.

No image manipulation has been applied to any of the photographs.

If you decide to share your thoughts they may be included on this site along with the photos. Your name and email address will never be used, sold, or given to any corporation or other entity.

This odyssey was made without any ulterior motives and was not meant to sell anything to anyone except what has been stated here.

